(Text in English below). Invitasjon til et internasjonalt digitalt webinar om pedagogisk bruk av digital teknologi i barnehage og i barnehagelærerutdanning.
Given the digital world that we live in, this webinar is for all those who work in the field of Education in general and with a particular interest in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) at all levels.
National College of Ireland
Professor Marilyn Fleer fra Monash University i Australia skal snakke om «Conceptual play worlds» sammen med noen av hennes kollegaer.
Jeg skal snakke om digitale fortellinger i barnehagen, med utgangspunkt i PhD-en min. Men, jeg skal også trekke linjer mot barnehagelærerutdanningen og hva vi gjør for å «forberede» fremtidige barnehagelærere.
Tittelen på webinaret er «Curating & co-constructing digital stories in ECEC higher education».
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Digitalt webinar 5. mars
Webinaret finner sted 5. mars kl. 10.00-13.00 (norsk tid), og er gratis. Det arrangeres av National College of Ireland ved Dr. Meera Oke.
Webinaret er aktuelt for ansatte i barnehage og ansatte ved barnehagelærerutdanningen.
Klikk her for mer informasjon og påmelding.
Jeg ser fram til et spennende webinar. Jeg var så heldig å få møte Professor Marilyn Fleer da jeg var i Australia. Det er en stor ære å delta på dette webinaret sammen med henne.
In English — Digital webinar
Invitation to an international digital webinar about the pedagogical use of digital technologies in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) higher education
Given the digital world that we live in, this webinar is for all those who work in the field of Education in general and with a particular interest in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) at all levels.
National College of Ireland
Professor Marilyn Fleer from Monash University in Australia will address the themes ‘Conceptual Play Worlds’ together with some of her colleagues.
I will focus on children’s and teachers’ use of digital stories in ECEC, by drawing on my PhD – but also create a link between ECEC and higher education by sharing examples from early childhood teacher education at the University of Stavanger.
The title of the webinar is «Curating & co-constructing digital stories in ECEC higher education».
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Digital webinar March 5th
The webinar will take place on March 5th, and it is free. It is hosted by National College of Ireland and organised by Dr. Meera Oke.
The webinar is relevant for teachers in ECEC and in higher education.
Click here for more information and registration.
I look forward to an interesting webinar. I had the honor to meet Professor Marilyn Fleer when I was in Australia, and it is a great honor to attend this webinar together with her.